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<p>"What is Crypto Airdrop?": A Step-By-Step Guide to Free Cryptocurrency is the definitive guide to earning free cryptocurrency without investing a dime! We will take you through the process of learning about airdrops, understanding the different types, and uncovering the secrets of how to get the most out of them.</p> <p>"What is Crypto Airdrop?" is the perfect resource for anyone looking to learn the ins and outs of free crypto. From beginner to advanced content, this book covers everything you need to know about airdrops and how to maximize the benefits of them. We will walk you through the basics of airdrops, the different types of coins available, and the best strategies to get the most out of them.</p> <p>Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned investor, "What is Crypto Airdrop?" is a must-read! Learn how to get free cryptocurrency with ease and start building your portfolio today. With "What is Crypto Airdrop?" as your guide, you can maximize the potential of your crypto holdings and make the most out of your investments. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn more about airdrops and start earning free crypto today!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア WHAT IS CRYPTO AIRDROP?
<p>The book has an active table of contents for readers to access each chapter directly.</p> <p>In 1934, Paul Weiss, an American philosopher, the founder of The Review of Metaphysics, and the Metaphysical Society of America, called Charles Peirce "the most original and versatile of American philosophers a...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism (Illustrated)【電子書籍】[ Charles Peirce ]
<p>This important book deals with the essential principles of resource and environmental economics, provides applications to contemporary issues in this field, and outlines and assesses policies being used or proposed for managing the use of environmental and natural resources. Covering specific conte...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Resource And Environmental Economics: Modern Issues And Applications (Second Edition)【電子書籍】[ Clement A Tisdell ]
<p>Are you looking for something more than life offers you, than merely just existing? Are you stuck on the merry-go-round of life and want to get off? Is your soul blueprint set up for success? If your blueprint is set in the format of lack, what do you need to change, so you can awaken and expand ne...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Creating Abundance【電子書籍】[ Eve Newton ]
<p>Empowers women of all ages and backgrounds to improve their self-esteem for a lifetime of awareness, poise, and confidence.</p> <p>Despite years of progress, many women today continue to suffer from low self-esteem. In her revelatory and prescriptive work THE SELF-ESTEEM REGIME: An Action Plan for Beco...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア The Self-Esteem Regime An Action Plan for Becoming the Confident Person You Were Meant to Be【電子書籍】[ Clarissa Burt ]
<p>An introduction to the fundamentals of accounting and how it is used that will help students apply accounting as a usable, everyday business tool. It adopts an intuitive, informal approach to describe basic principles - what they are, why they exist and how they are used - to help students see the ...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Short Introduction to Accounting【電子書籍】[ Richard Barker ]
<p>Rock Your Gig And Get Promoted offers readers the inspiration, perspectives and tools required to ignite career growth. Its intention is to serve as a guide to help uncover new approaches to career enhancement by providing an evolved, sustainable and highly effective path to greater success. Rock Y...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Rock Your Gig And Get Promoted Career Growth Strategies【電子書籍】[ Rich McDonald ]
<p>Wat is het ware doel van jouw reis in dit leven? Kom erachter met 'Jouw zielspersoonlijkheid', waarin Meetu Bisht dieper gaat dan de meeste zelfhulpboeken: ze werpt nieuw licht op je lotsbestemming.</p> <p>‘Wie ben ik en wat doe ik hier eigenlijk?’ Een vraag die iedereen zichzelf wel eens stelt, maar ...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Jouw zielspersoonlijkheid 12 zielstypen, karmische opdrachten en re?ncarnatie【電子書籍】[ Meetu Bisht ]
<p>В этой книге Крис Скиннер проводит глубокий анализ обмена ценностями в развивающемся цифровом мире. На основе примеров из практики, интервью и личных наблюдений автор объясняет, как мир переходит от традиционных валют к ValueWeb, интернету ценностей, и описывает, как технологии подрывают традиционную отрасл...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア ValueWeb Как финтех-компании используют блокчейн и мобильные технологии для создания интернета ценностей【電子書籍】[ Крис Скиннер ]
<p><strong>Ainslie Meares</strong> (1910-1986) was an eminent Australian psychiatrist, medical hypnotist, meditation master and healer ? a doctor ahead of his time - so far ahead that we are still catching up. Meares made major contributions to hypnosis and then transitioned to teaching meditation befor...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア A Key To The Books Of Ainslie Meares Synopses of 33 books【電子書籍】[ Owen Bruhn ]
<p>Can you imagine your organisation as a Ferrari or a McLaren, a Toyota or a Force India? Your management team as a pit crew? Your sales force as the race team and your marketing and research department as the design studio creating a Formula 1 car? Formula 1 has an estimated turnover of $4bn, employ...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Performance at the Limit Business Lessons from Formula 1 Motor Racing【電子書籍】[ Mark Jenkins ]
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個...
 税込 送料別 カードOK  Glomarket 洋書 Killer Executions and Scrubbed Decks: An Outside-the-Box Look at Obnoxious Advertising and Marketing Jargon
<p>關於未來,我們擅長賦予無限想像。關於現在,我們期許可以把握當下。</p> <p>人類如何對未來做出判斷?如何避免重蹈覆轍?似乎是人類亙古不變的課題。</p> <p>?經疫情紛擾,全球戮力恢復正軌,因而2022年,堪稱是人類將疫情常態化,與病毒共存的疫後元年,而挺過變種病毒叩關的台灣,又該如何迎戰新局?</p> <p>本期封面故事為《遠見雜誌》35週年慶專題報導的二部曲。35年來,我們素以「傳播進?觀念」為職志,因此,這次邀集了16位在投資理財、工作職涯、創新價?、共好永續、國際新聞、教育學習、生命生活、未來科技等八大領域中,論述擲地有聲的意見領袖,共同提出2022年最實用的人生新對策及進?觀念。</p> <p>我們點出了後疫情時代與過往截然不同的趨勢及生活的想像,讓所有台灣人,在進入?末之際,能有顛覆性的視野及迭代的觀念,迎接來年。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア 遠見雜誌425期 35個2022人生新對策 16位意見領袖,教?擁抱財富、樂在工作、迎向世界、掌握未來【電子書籍】[ 遠見雜誌 ]
<p>In <em>Who and Why You Are: All You Need to Remember</em>, Roland Achenjang reveals timeless, universal truths you need to remember to appreciate why you act the way you do and why you perceive your Earth life experiences the way you do. By recognizing and understanding these universal truths, you can ...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Who and Why You Are All You Need to Remember【電子書籍】[ Roland Achenjang ]
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個...
 税込 送料別 カードOK  Glomarket 洋書 ValueSelling: Driving Up Sales One Conversation At A Time
<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensf?hrung, Management, Organisation, Note: 2,0, , Veranstaltung: Unternehmensf?hrung im Mittelstand, 19 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In den letzten Jahren hat strategischen Denken im Unternehmen deutlich an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die Unternehmensf?hrung muss die rasch auftretenden Ver?nderungen in der technischen, ?konomischen und sozialen Umwelt und den daraus neu gestellten Problemen und Situationen bew?ltigen k?nnen und Strategien f?r die Schaffung, die langfristige Sicherung und Nutzung von Erfolgspotentialen durchf?hren 1 . Nur wenn Chancen und Bedrohungen fr?hzeitig identifiziert werden, k?nnen Unternehmen nachhaltig gesichert werden und Handlungsspielr?ume erhalten bleiben 2 . Wesentliche Faktoren waren an der Entwicklung von der Planung allgemein hin zur strategischen Unternehmensplanung 3 beteiligt: die wachsende Dynamik und Komplexit?t der Umweltbedingungen, die Entwicklungen in der Organisation des Unternehmens sowie die Fortschritte im Bereich der Planungsmethoden 4 . Erw?hnt sei auch die Entwicklung vom Verk?ufermarkt zum K?ufermarkt in den 60er Jahren, die ?lkrise in 1973 und die in den 80er Jahren aufkommenden Internationalisierung und Globalisierung der M?rkte sowie der Wandel von zentralen, funktionalen hin zu dezentralen 'divisions' Unternehmensstrukturen, die durch die Erkenntnis Chandlers: 'Structure follows strategy' gef?rdert wurde 5 . Als ein weiterer Faktor galt die Weiterentwicklung des methodischen Instrumentariums der strategischen Planung. Um zu einer systematischen Entscheidungsvorbereitung zu gelangen, wurden in den 60er Jahren Wirtschaftlichkeits- und Investitionsrechnung eingesetzt, sowie einfache Wenn-Dann-Wirkungsmodelle herangezogen. Im verst?rkten Ma?e wurden in den 70er Jahren Lern- und Erfahrungskurven, Portfoliomethoden und St?rken - und Schw?chenanalysen angewandt 6 . Die spezifische Aufgabe der strategischen Unternehmensplanung liegt nicht darin, Absichten und Ziele als gegeben hinzunehmen, sondern in der Schaffung und Erhaltung von Erfolgspotentialen 7 . Erfolgspotentiale einer Unternehmung basieren auf Er-folgsfaktoren, sie beeinflussen Erfolgspotentiale allerdings nicht nur durch ihre einzelne Auspr?gung, sondern auch durch ihre Wechselbeziehungen 8 . Das Problem besteht darin, solche Erfolgspotentiale zu erkennen, zu bewerten und f?r strategische Ziele zu bestimmen. Diese Problematik stellt ein zentrales Thema des strategischen Managements dar, welches sich neben der Planung von Strategien auch mit der Steuerung sowie Kontrolle der Strategieumsetzung bzw. -implementierung befasst.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア PIMS - Projekt: Schlussfolgerungen f?r die strategische Ausrichtung Projekt: Schlussfolgerungen f?r die strategische Ausrichtung【電子書籍】[ Jenny Geihsen ]
<p>S?z konusu kariyerimiz oldu?unda, kurallar?, oyuncular?, rekabeti, ritmi, stratejisi ve ?d?lleri olan bir oyunun i?inde oldu?umuz ?ok a??k. Ancak, her oyunda oldu?u gibi Kariyer Oyunu i?inde de s?radan d?nyan?n k?s?tlamalar?na uymak zorunda de?iliz. E?er istersek, hi? fark edilmemi? yeteneklerimizi...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Kariyer Oyunlar?【電子書籍】[ Murat Ko?yi?it ]
<p>Remembering and celebrating the gifts of a mother's life is a timeless journey we all need to take.<br /> Just as a mother's job is never done, a mother's gifts never end. Remembering and celebrating mom's gifts of love, life lessons and legacy of values is a joyful step in the mother-daughter relati...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Dear Mom: Remembering, Celebrating, Healing【電子書籍】[ Dee Dee Raap ]
<p>Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 You may be reading this book because your nerves are in a bad way. You are the person for whom it has been written. I will explain how nervous illness begins and how it can be cured. You will have to persever...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Summary of Claire Weekes's Hope And Help For Your Nerves【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ]
<p>This book is all about taking yourself from that bottomless pit and starting to love yourself again. All listed within this book helped me along my journey after healing myself from 10 years of past traumas, I am here today to help uplift you.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア FINDING THE GEM-IN-I Self love guidance manual【電子書籍】[ Kelisha Taylor ]
<p>Why do American state economies grow at such vastly different rates and manifest such wide differences in living standards? Volatile States identifies the sources of rising living standards by examining the recent economic and fiscal history of the American states. With new insights about the factors that contribute to state economic success, the book departs from traditional analyses of economic performance in its emphasis on the role of volatility.</p> <p>Volatile States identifies institutions and policies that are key determinants of economic success and illustrates the considerable promise of a mean-variance criterion for assessing state economic performance. The mean-variance perspective amends applications of growth models that rely on the mobility of productive factors keyed to income levels alone. Simply measuring the level of growth in state economies reveals an incomplete and perhaps distorted picture of performance. Taking the volatility of state economies explicitly into account refines the whole notion of "economic success."</p> <p>This book is essential reading for economists, political scientists, and policy-makers who routinely confront questions about the consequences of alternative institutional arrangements and economic policy choices.</p> <p>W. Mark Crain is Professor of Economics and Research Associate, James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy, George Mason University.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Volatile States Institutions, Policy, and the Performance of American State Economies【電子書籍】[ William Mark Crain ]
<p><strong>I HAVE WRITTEN THIS BOOK</strong> with the intent to inform the reader about the final stages of any END OF LIFE disease. No one had are ever taken the time to let me know what the honest reality involved. So I have decided to share my experiences with the reader honestly and without any suga...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Crossing Over Securing a Loving Palliative Team【電子書籍】[ V. Pollak ]
<p>Pain never just creeps into a person's life. Pain never just stops by for a front porch conversation, never knocks on your door or calls to see if it's a good time. Pain always throws a party, and this party is guaranteed to shock you. Pain jumps out from behind the couch and shouts, "SURPRISE!!!!"...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Life of the Party【電子書籍】[ Daniel Stombaugh ]
<p>Estes textos foram publicados no site Meio do c?u onde sou colunista. Mensagens semanais que apresento de forma descontra?da e as vezes duras para que o leitor tenha um chacoalh?o .</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※こ...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Ensinamentos Do Mestre【電子書籍】[ Li Yan ]
<h4>Lead your people to excellence using the time-honored values of one of America's most successful institutions</h4> <p>As one of America's most honored institutions, West Point has produced some of the greatest leaders in the history of the nation--and the world. For almost a century, West Point's men and women have been both informed and inspired by the "Cadet Prayer"--a simple but profound set of moral precepts for those who aspire to realize in their lives and work as leaders the ideals and principles of West Point.</p> <p>Imagine if business had a similar compass for leadership . . .</p> <p>Using the "Cadet Prayer" and the Academy's developmental model as a foundation, U.S. Army veteran and West Point professor Don M. Snider and his colleagues lay the groundwork for achieving leadership success in any business. Snider's assertion is this: In leadership, moral character comes first. Without it, skills, competence, and even vision are useless. Here are just a few of the leadership axioms from the "Cadet Prayer":</p> <ul> <li><strong>Strengthen and increase our admiration for honest dealing and clean thinking</strong></li> <li><strong>Make us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong</strong></li> <li><strong>Endow us with courage that is born of loyalty to all that is noble and worthy</strong></li> <li><strong>Guard us against flippancy and irreverence in the sacred things of life</strong></li> <li><strong>Grant us new ties of friendship and new opportunities of service</strong></li> </ul> <p>Honesty. Transparency. Loyalty. Service. These aren't "soft" traits. The're the nuts and bolts of quality leadership. They're the hallmark of authentic leadership for the sake of it. And they are the rock-solid foundation on which stand leadership success and all that comes with it.</p> <p><em>"In leadership</em>," Snider writes, <em>"being precedes doing."</em> This timeless truth is the first step toward leadership excellence in any walk of life. <em>The Warrior's Character</em> will take you the rest of the way.</p> <p>West Point's nondenominational "Cadet Prayer" has instilled the values of moral leadership in its cadets for nearly 100 years. In <em>The Warrior's Character</em>, Retired U.S. Army Colonel Don Snider and his colleagues provide a look into West Point’s development of leaders of character through the moral precepts found in the prayer and the Army's seven primary, timeless values:</p> <p><strong>LOYALTY * DUTY * RESPECT * SERVICE * HONOR * INTEGRITY * COURAGE</strong></p> <p>All added up, they form the foundation on which great leadership is builtーin the military, in business, in life. <em>The Warrior's Character</em> provides the inspiration and knowledge you need to become the best leader possible. Embrace the lessons inside and lead your people and organization to greatness.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア The Warrior’s Character: Leadership Wisdom From West Point’s Cadet Prayer【電子書籍】[ Don M. Snider ]
<p><em>Cost-benefit Analysis of Environmental Health Interventions</em> clearly articulates the core principles and fundamental methodologies underpinning the modern economic assessment of environmental intervention on human health. Taking a practical approach, the book provides a step-by-step approach ...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Health Interventions【電子書籍】
<p>This lecture book is an introduction to project management. It will be of use for engineering students working on project design in all engineering disciplines and will also be of high value to practicing engineers in the work force. Few engineering programs prepare students in methods of project d...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Project Management for Engineering Design【電子書籍】[ Charles Lessard ]
<p>What potential megatrends could make your business model obsolete? How do you transition from the baseline to the target? How will you know that you have improved? What are the necessary qualifications? What are the workplace technologies investment costs?</p> <p>Defining, designing, creating, and impl...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Workplace Technologies A Complete Guide - 2019 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ]
<p><em><strong>"The Blueprint to Freedom: Unlock Your Freedom and Create Your Own Destiny"</strong></em> A Guide to True Freedom provides readers with the tools they need to break free from the oppressive forces of society and reclaim their lives, liberty, and freedom. Through its comprehensive approach...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア The Blueprint to Freedom:
<p>Um guia pr?tico de sobreviv?ncia no mundo globalizado. Seja forte e alcan?ar? seus resultados. Persista e tenha o mundo aos seus p?s. Ap?s levar muitos tombos na vida e tamb?m realizar grandes vit?rias decidi transform?-los em aprendizado. Sempre me dediquei a Educa??o, filho de m?e professora e pa...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Aprenda Ser【電子書籍】[ Rafael Mariano ]
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