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<p>This book introduces readers to the basic concepts of and latest findings in the area of differential equations with uncertain factors. It covers the analytic method and numerical method for solving uncertain differential equations, as well as their applications in the field of finance. Furthermore, the book provides a number of new potential research directions for uncertain differential equation. It will be of interest to researchers, engineers and students in the fields of mathematics, information science, operations research, industrial engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence, automation, economics, and management science.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Uncertain Differential Equations【電子書籍】[ Kai Yao ]
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 税込 送料別 カードOK  Glomarket 洋書 The Five Principles of Global Leadership: How To Manage The Complexities Of Global Leadership
<p>Die digitale Revolution l?sst innovative Gesch?ftsmodelle im E-Commerce entstehen, welche die Erwartungen der Kunden an Produktverf?gbarkeit, Preistransparenz, Service und Beratung nachhaltig ver?ndern. F?r Unternehmen, die ihr Gesch?ftsmodell auf die ver?nderten Kundenanforderungen ausrichten, gewinnt Geschwindigkeit und richtiges Timing (?ePace“) zunehmend an Bedeutung. Der dadurch gewonnene Kundenmehrwert als Ausgangspunkt ist ?ber Gesch?ftsmodellgestaltung, Organisation und Prozesse umzusetzen. Dieses betrifft auch moderne Formen der Vertikalisierung und beansprucht das komplette Managementspektrum von der Innovation bis hin zur Transformation. Im Rahmen einer ganzheitlichen Managementbetrachtung, werden alle relevanten Aspekte innovativer Gesch?ftsmodelle im E-Commerce dargestellt und anhand aktueller Praxis-Beispiele von namhaften Unternehmen der digitalen Welt (wie z. B. ProSiebenSat1, Springer Fachmedien, Douglas, CBR, Reuter-Bad, ZEIT Online, Otto Group, Sellaround, Kaufmann Mercantile, dgroup, e.ventures u.a.) verdeutlicht.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Digitalisierung des Handels mit ePace Innovative E-Commerce-Gesch?ftsmodelle und digitale Zeitvorteile【電子書籍】
<p>Prefazione di Natalia Aspesi Questa volta la poltrona dell’analista non ? dietro lo schermo, per spiegare, ma davanti, per guardare. Vittorio Lingiardi non recensisce i film che ha visto, ma li rivede insieme ai suoi lettori, cercando di cogliere, pellicola dopo pellicola, le immagini che precedono...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Al cinema con lo psicoanalista【電子書籍】[ Vittorio Lingiardi ]
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個...
 税込 送料別 カードOK  Glomarket 洋書 Paperback, How To Be Your Own Estate Agent: 2nd edition
<p>This book looks at how both advocacy groups in New Zealand and Australia use political marketing to conduct advocacy and support Israeli and Palestinian public diplomacy and nation branding. The focus lies on their marketing orientation, segmentation/ targeting/ positioning (STP), and internal marketing practices. The theoretical framework will draw upon several political marketing frameworks and concepts including the product/sales/market-oriented framework, the STP process, and Petitt's internal stakeholder marketing approaches. The book examines four case studies: (1) the Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa (PSNA), (2) the Israel Institute of New Zealand (IINZ), (3) the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC), and (4) the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN). To ensure balance and comparison, four groups representing both the pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian camps in NZ and Australia were selected. Other criteria included their broad scope of activity, approachability and accessibility, as well as connections to state actors through advocacy, public diplomacy, and nation branding.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Political Marketing and Public Diplomacy by Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian Advocacy Groups【電子書籍】[ Andrew Lim ]
<h4>ETF experts share their insights for growing wealth from this booming market</h4> <p>Whether you manage your own assets or help others reach their fi nancial goals, <em>ETF Investment Strategies</em> will help you securely grow wealth in the new economy. In this groundbreaking book, ETF authority Aniket U...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア ETF Investment Strategies: Best Practices from Leading Experts on Constructing a Winning ETF Portfolio【電子書籍】[ Aniket Ullal ]
<p>The world’s polar regions are attracting more interest than ever before. Once regarded as barren, inhospitable places where only explorers go, the north and south polar regions have been transformed into high profile tourism destinations, increasingly visited by cruise ships as well as becoming acc...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Tourism and Change in Polar Regions Climate, Environments and Experiences【電子書籍】[ Jarkko Saarinen ]
<p>Would you like to have a new passive income stream that makes money while you sleep?</p> <p>Most people haven't realized the global economy shifting power that cryptocurrencies have, while smart investors have been following them closely for a while now. We've all heard about how Bitcoin shocked the wo...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Cryptocurrencies: How to Safely Create Stable and Long-term Passive Income by Investing in Cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrency Revolution, #1【電子書籍】[ Anthony Heston ]
<p>Tradicionalmente en nuestro ordenamiento jur?dico se hab?a otorgado protecci?n especial para algunas personas que se encontraban en alguna condici?n o circunstancia especial y la ley se?alaba expresamente en qu? casos o momentos proced?a. Hoy d?a existen adicionalmente otras manifestaciones de fuer...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア De la estabilidad laboral relativa ?a la estabilidad laboral absoluta? Estabilidad laboral reforzada en el empleo - Segunda edici?n【電子書籍】[ Adriana Camacho-Ram?rez ]
<p><strong>Find Your Flow ーIncrease Your Productivity ーFeel Great</strong></p> <p><strong>Whether you are striving for better work-life balance, ways to stress less, or need help getting organized and finding your flowstate, you've come to the right place!</strong></p> <p><strong>Workflow and productivity t...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Work Life Balance Survival Guide How to Find Your Flow State and Create a Life of Success【電子書籍】[ Jessica Holsman ]
<p>Ovo je pri?a o ljudima koji su svoje ?ivote posvetili za?titi i odr?anju znanja. Mogu to da razumem. Meni je uni?tavanje znanja ne?to vrlo stra?no. Ovi ljudi su, ?ini se, meni preneli poslovi?nu baklju kroz eone prostora i vremena. Ove informacije nisu mi date da bi le?ale na polici skupljaju?i pra...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Isus i Eseni【電子書籍】[ Dolores Cannon ]
<p>This edited book presents the state-of-the-art of applying fuzzy logic to managerial decision-making processes in areas such as fuzzy-based portfolio management, recommender systems, performance assessment and risk analysis, among others. Presenting the latest research, with a strong focus on appli...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Applying Fuzzy Logic for the Digital Economy and Society【電子書籍】
<p>**Nobody wants to fail. But in highly complex organizations, success can happen only when we confront our mistakes, learn from our own version of a black box, and create a climate where it’s safe to fail.<br />  **<br /> We all have to endure failure from time to time, whether it’s underperforming at ...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Black Box Thinking Why Most People Never Learn from Their Mistakes--But Some Do【電子書籍】[ Matthew Syed ]
<p>In this book, we will delve into the intricate world of business and finance, unraveling the secrets behind achieving remarkable success in these fields. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur looking to establish your own business empire or an aspiring finance professional aiming to make sound inve...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア MASTERING BUSINESS AND MONEY STRATEGY Unlocking the Secrets to Success in the World of Finance And Entrepreneurship【電子書籍】[ Christian T Albright ]
YOU ARE NOT YOUR BRAIN Jeffrey Schwartz Rebecca Gladding AVERY PUB GROUP2012 Paperback English ISBN:9781583334836 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天ブックス You Are Not Your Brain: The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and YOU ARE NOT YOUR BRAIN [ Jeffrey Schwartz ]
<p>Aceast? carte electronic? v? ofer? 51 de gre?eli legate de bani pe care s? le evita?i la v?rsta de 20 de ani pentru a ob?ine libertatea financiar? mai t?rziu ?n via??.</p> <p>Ca adult la dou?zeci de ani, ai tendin?a s? ?ncerci s?-?i prevezi viitorul financiar ?i, de asemenea, s? ?nve?i din gre?elile tale din trecut pentru a ?ncerca s? creezi o zi de m?ine mai bun?. La dou?zeci de ani, sim?i c? via?a de adult este ?nc? nou? ?i palpitant?. ??i trec multe lucruri prin minte, cum ar fi cump?rarea unei ma?ini, a unei case ?i ob?inerea unui loc de munc? pl?tit. Toate aceste dorin?e te fac s? sim?i c? ?i-e predestinat s? ai o via?? bogat? foarte cur?nd. Este o perioad? at?t de minunat?! Dar, de?i este distractiv s? fii t?n?r, la v?rsta de dou?zeci de ani ??i po?i modela sau distruge viitorul financiar. Trebuie s?-?i folose?ti foarte bine timpul pentru a-?i maximiza poten?ialul, altfel ri?ti s? iei decizii costisitoare care pot avea un impact semnificativ asupra viitorului t?u. Dac? e?ti preg?tit s?-?i construie?ti viitorul financiar ideal ?n mod corespunz?tor, acestea sunt cele 51 de gre?eli legate de bani pe care trebuie s? le evi?i la v?rsta de 20 de ani.1, Neeconomisirea pentru pensie: C?nd ai dou?zeci de ani, pensionarea pare uneori foarte ?ndep?rtat?, ceea ce te face s? o ignori. Cu toate acestea, neeconomisirea pentru pensie este printre cele mai frecvente ?i semnificative gre?eli legate de bani pe care le po?i comite. Avantajul de a economisi bani ?nc? de la v?rsta de dou?zeci de ani este c? mai ai foarte mult timp. Cu c?t mai devreme ?ncepi s? economise?ti, cu at?t po?i beneficia mai mult de ratele dob?nzilor compuse. Pe l?ng? economiile tale, angajatorul ??i poate oferi ni?te bani pentru a te ajuta s? ??i ?ndepline?ti cu u?urin?? obiectivele de pensionare printr-un plan de economii pentru pensie sponsorizat de munc?. Contribu?ia unui angajator de doar 5% din valoarea salariului poate afecta semnificativ suma de bani pe care o vei avea la pensie. Dac? nu economise?ti pentru pensionare de la v?rsta de dou?zeci de ani, va trebui s? lucrezi mult mai mult, ?n ciuda factorului de ?mb?tr?nire ?i s? contribui cu mai mul?i bani pentru pensionare mai t?rziu, sau s? nu reu?e?ti s? te pensionezi. 2, Gre?eala de a intra ?n datorii cu cardul de credit: Pentru orice t?n?r de dou?zeci de ani care c??tig? mai pu?in, poate fi extrem de tentant s? cheltuiasc? o sum? mare ?i inutil? de bani de pe cardul de credit. E mai u?or pentru un t?n?r de dou?zeci de ani s? pl?teasc? viitoarele cheltuieli cu cardul ?i s? le achite mai t?rziu. Din p?cate, mul?i oameni din categoria de v?rst? de dou?zeci de ani nu ??i dau seama ?n ce m?sur? datoriile le pot afecta via?a. Datoriile la cardul de credit pot duce cu timpul la dificult??i mari financiare. Prin urmare, ar trebui s? ?nve?i s? respec?i ?i s? ?n?elegi datoriile pentru a minimiza gre?elile legate de bani la v?rsta de dou?zeci de ani.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア 51 De Gre?eli Legate De Bani De Evitat La V?rsta De Dou?zeci De Ani【電子書籍】[ Charlene Bezos ]
<p>Learn how instantly boost your confidence and quickly change a negative outlook!<br /> This ebook will reveal how you can find so much confidence inside yourself that you will be able to be the person you have always wanted to be and do the things you most want to do.<br /> You will learn what true sel...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア The Rise Of You【電子書籍】[ Anonymous ]
<p>What is artificial intelligence (AI)? How did it evolve over the years and what is it going to look like in the future? What are the opportunities and risks associated with AI? Where does India stand among the global AI ecosystems? This book answers these questions and gives a bird's-eye view of th...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Artificial Intelligence and India【電子書籍】[ Kaushiki Sanyal ]
<p><strong>訪問27家企業、3600名主管,累積1400小時觀察數據。<br /> AI技術分析,找出21世紀菁英領導者打造共感團隊的工作密碼。<br /> 企業管理階層的首選實用書!做對這些事,成為菁英領導者!</strong></p> <p>  在局勢快速變遷的時代中,還能靈活應變、不斷拿出優秀成果的人有什麼樣的特??同樣都是管理職,管理者(manager)和領導者(Leder)有何不同?企業改革專家越川慎司與其團隊,運用AI技術,找出前5%菁英領導者的工作習慣,並進一?提出21世紀菁英...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア 共感團隊:新世代前5%菁英領導者必備,打造成員有安全感、自主思考、積極行動的共感團隊【電子書籍】[ 越川慎司 ]
<p>Microbial communities and their functions play a crucial role in the management of ecological, environmental and agricultural health on the Earth. Microorganisms are the key identified players for plant growth promotion, plant immunization, disease suppression, induced resistance and tolerance against stresses as the indicative parameters of improved crop productivity and sustainable soil health. Beneficial belowground microbial interactions with the rhizosphere help plants mitigate drought and salinity stresses and alleviate water stresses under the unfavorable environmental conditions in the native soils. Microorganisms that are inhabitants of such environmental conditions have potential solutions for them. There are potential microbial communities that can degrade xenobiotic compounds, pesticides and toxic industrial chemicals and help remediate even heavy metals, and thus they find enormous applications in environmental remediation. Microbes have developed intrinsic metabolic capabilities with specific metabolic networks while inhabiting under specific conditions for many generations and, so play a crucial role. The book Microbial Interventions in Agriculture and Environment is an effort to compile and present a great volume of authentic, high-quality, socially-viable, practical and implementable research and technological work on microbial implications. The whole content of the volume covers protocols, methodologies, applications, interactions, role and impact of research and development aspects on microbial interventions and technological outcomes in prospects of agricultural and environmental domain including crop production, plan-soil health management, food & nutrition, nutrient recycling, land reclamation, clean water systems and agro-waste management, biodegradation & bioremediation, biomass to bioenergy, sanitation and rural livelihood security. The covered topics and sub-topics of the microbial domain have high implications for the targeted and wide readership of researchers, students, faculty and scientists working on these areas along with the agri-activists, policymakers, environmentalists, advisors etc. in the Government, industries and non-government level for reference and knowledge generation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Microbial Interventions in Agriculture and Environment Volume 1 : Research Trends, Priorities and Prospects【電子書籍】
<p><strong>APPLE DECODIFICADO:</strong> <strong>LOS FACTORES CLAVE QUE LLEVARON A SU EXITO</strong></p> <p><strong>DESCUBRE COMO LA EMPRESA MAS EXITOSA DE LA HISTORIA CREA, INNOVA Y REDISE?A</strong></p> <p><strong>ACERCA DE ESTE LIBRO</strong></p> <p>Apple es una de las empresas m?s exitosas del mundo. Tambi?n es un...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Apple Decodificado: Los Factores Clave Que Llevaron A Su Exito Descubre Como La Empresa Mas Exitosa De La Historia Crea, Innova Y Redise?a ( Edicion Extendida )【電子書籍】[ The Sapiens Network ]
<p>K??dla and?l? n?m p?ich?zej? p?edkl?dat texty, kter? n?s inspiruj?, doj?maj? a stav? p?ed n?s mnoho d?le?it?ch ?vah. Jsou to cenn? texty, kter? n?s od za??tku do konce spojuj? ve fantastick? z?pletce ?ivota.</p> <p>Stoj? za to vstoupit do tohoto sv?ta moudrosti, kter? navrhuji. Na ka?d? p?e?ten? str?nc...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア K??dla And?l? a Jin? P??b?hy【電子書籍】[ Aldivan Torres ]
<p>"<em>The Tell-All Guide to Airbnb Hosting</em> is very insightful. Deborah Voll really does "tell it all" and shares delightful details, tips, tricks, and tales of hosting..."</p> <p>-Debbie & Michael Campbell, The Senior Nomads, Authors of <em>Your Keys, Our Home</em></p> <p><em><strong>The ultimate guide to cr...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア The Tell-All Guide to Airbnb Hosting Proven Tips and Tricks for Successful Hosting【電子書籍】[ Deborah Voll ]
<p>Unleash Your Higher Self contains a collection of Ryan Biddulph's thoughts on how to uncover the real you. The higher self is your true nature. You are a child of God, a God germ who knows no limits. Misinformation accepted from misguided individuals causes you to bury the god-like part of your nat...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Unleash Your Higher Self【電子書籍】[ Ryan Biddulph ]
<p>Somos testemunhas e protagonistas de um momento in?dito da hist?ria da humanidade. Narraremos ?s gera??es futuras a experi?ncia de ""uma pandemia globalizada"" no pleno sentido do termo e, talvez, de uma significativa mudan?a hist?rica nas pr?ticas e nas mentalidades individuais e coletivas. Os sig...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア A pandemia do coronav?rus Onde estamos? Para onde vamos?【電子書籍】[ Jo?o D?cio Passos ]
<p>How many estimated defects remain after each removal step? What types of operating systems do you use for software development and deployment? What tools do you and others in your team use for software development? Have you examined all agile methods and practices in your organization? Can software...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Software Development Processes A Complete Guide - 2019 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ]
<p>PHILIP BARRETT is the Broker/Owner of Home Value Realty, LLC; a residential and commercial brokerage in South Florida. Over the past 22 years, Philip has forged relationships with lending institutions, local cities, government agencies, and hedge fund owners. Some of his clients include Fannie Mae,...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア REO 101 How To Become A REO Listing Agent【電子書籍】[ Philip Barrett ]
<p>A revelatory exploration of the hottest trend in technology and the dramatic impact it will have on the economy, science, and society at large.</p> <p>Which paint color is most likely to tell you that a used car is in good shape? How can officials identify the most dangerous New York City manholes befo...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Big Data A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think【電子書籍】[ Viktor Mayer-Sch?nberger ]
<p>Sometimes we wish something and we do not get this. Why? Find reasons here</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Why Can't I Manifest Abundance【電子書籍】[ Uro? Taks ]
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