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<p>Si vous n'aimez pas particuli?rement le sport et si vous avez entre 35 et 57 ans, ce livre est fait pour vous.<br /> Obtenez un physique athl?tique en 35 minutes ! C'est ce que promet ce livre, mais pas en une seule s?ance, ?videmment ! En suivant un programme simple, sans fioriture et qui ne se foca...
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<p>PREFACE<br /> If I have turned aside from Euripides for a moment and attempted a translation of the great stage masterpiece of Sophocles, my excuse must be the fascination of this play, which has thrown its spell on me as on many other translators. Yet I may plead also that as a rule every diligent student of these great works can add something to the discoveries of his predecessors, and I think I have been able to bring out a few new points in the old and much-studied Oedipus, chiefly points connected with the dramatic technique and the religious atmosphere.<br /> Mythologists tell us that Oedipus was originally a daemon haunting Mount Kithairon, and Jocasta a form of that Earth-Mother who, as Aeschylus puts it, "bringeth all things to being, and when she hath reared them receiveth again their seed into her body" (Choephori, 127: cf. Crusius, Beitr?ge z. Gr. Myth, 21). That stage of the story lies very far behind the consciousness of Sophocles. But there does cling about both his hero and his heroine a great deal of very primitive atmosphere. There are traces in Oedipus of the pre-hellenic Medicine King, the Basileus who is also a Theos, and can make rain or blue sky, pestilence or fertility. This explains many things in the Priest's first speech, in the attitude of the Chorus, and in Oedipus' own language after the discovery. It partly explains the hostility of Apollo, who is not a mere motiveless Destroyer but a true Olympian crushing his Earth-born rival. And in the same way the peculiar royalty of Jocasta, which makes Oedipus at times seem not the King but the Consort of the Queen, brings her near to that class of consecrated queens described in Dr. Frazer's Lectures on the Kingship, who are "honoured as no woman now living on the earth."<br /> The story itself, and the whole spirit in which Sophocles has treated it, belong not to the fifth century but to that terrible and romantic past from which the fifth century poets usually drew their material. The atmosphere of brooding dread, the pollution, the curses; the "insane and beastlike cruelty," as an ancient Greek commentator calls it, of piercing the exposed child's feet in order to ensure its death and yet avoid having actually murdered it (Schol. Eur. Phoen., 26); the whole treatment of the parricide and incest, not as moral offences capable of being rationally judged or even excused as unintentional, but as monstrous and inhuman pollutions, the last limit of imaginable horror: all these things take us back to dark regions of pre-classical and even pre-homeric belief. We have no right to suppose that Sophocles thought of the involuntary parricide and metrogamy as the people in his play do. Indeed, considering the general tone of his contemporaries and friends, we may safely assume that he did not. But at any rate he has allowed no breath of later enlightenment to disturb the primaeval gloom of his atmosphere.<br /> Does this in any way make the tragedy insincere? I think not. We know that people did feel and think about "pollution" in the way which Sophocles represents; and if they so felt, then the tragedy was there.<br /> I think these considerations explain the remarkable absence from this play of any criticism of life or any definite moral judgment. I know that some commentators have found in it a "humble and unquestioning piety," but I cannot help suspecting that what they saw was only a reflection from their own pious and unquestioning minds. Man is indeed shown as a "plaything of Gods," but of Gods strangely and incomprehensibly malignant, whose ways there is no attempt to explain or justify. The original story, indeed, may have had one of its roots in a Theban "moral tale." Aelian (Varia Historia, 2, 7) tells us that the exposure of a child was forbidden by Theban Law. The state of feeling which produced this law, against the immensely strong conception of the patria potestas, may also have produced a folklore story telling how a boy once was exposed, in a peculiarly cruel way, by his wicked parents, and how Heaven preserved him to take upon both of them a vengeance which showed that the unnatural father had no longer a father's sanctity nor the unnatural mother a mother's. But, as far as Sophocles is concerned, if anything in the nature of a criticism of life has been admitted into the play at all, it seems to be only a flash or two of that profound and pessimistic arraignment of the ruling powers which in other plays also opens at times like a sudden abyss across the smooth surface of his art.<br /> There is not much philosophy in the Oedipus. There is not, in comparison with other Greek plays, much pure poetry. What there is, is drama; drama of amazing grandeur and power. In respect of plot no Greek play comes near it. It contains no doubt a few points of unsophisticated technique such as can be found in all ancient and nearly all modern drama; for instance, the supposition that Oedipus has never inquired into the death of his predecessor on the throne. But such flaws are external, not essential. On the whole, I can only say that the work of translation has made me feel even more strongly than before the extraordinary grip and reality of the dialogue, the deftness of the construction, and, except perhaps for a slight drop in the Creon scene, the unbroken crescendo of tragedy from the opening to the close.<br /> Where plot-interest is as strong as it is in the Oedipus, character-interest is apt to be comparatively weak. Yet in this play every character is interesting, vital, and distinct. Oedipus himself is selected by Aristotle as the most effective kind of tragic hero, because, first, he has been great and glorious, and secondly he has not been "pre-eminently virtuous or just." This is true in its way. Oedipus is too passionate to be just; but he is at least noble in his impetuosity, his devotion, and his absolute truthfulness. It is important to realise that at the beginning of the play he is prepared for an oracle commanding him to die for his people (pp. 6, 7). And he never thinks of refusing that "task" any more than he tries to elude the doom that actually comes, or to conceal any fact that tells against him. If Oedipus had been an ordinary man the play would have been a very different and a much poorer thing.<br /> Jocasta is a wonderful study. Euripides might have brought her character out more explicitly and more at length, but even he could not have made her more living or more tragic, or represented more subtly in her relation to Oedipus both the mother's protecting love and the mother's authority. As for her "impiety," of which the old commentaries used to speak with much disapproval, the essential fact in her life is that both her innocence and her happiness have, as she believes, been poisoned by the craft of priests. She and La?us both "believed a bad oracle": her terror and her love for her husband made her consent to an infamous act of cruelty to her own child, an act of which the thought sickens her still, and about which she cannot, when she tries, speak the whole truth. (See note on p. 42.) And after all her crime was for nothing! The oracle proved to be a lie. Never again will she believe a priest.<br /> As to Tiresias, I wish to ask forgiveness for an unintelligent criticism made twelve years ago in my Ancient Greek Literature, p. 240. I assumed then, what I fancy was a common assumption, that Tiresias was a "sympathetic" prophet, compact of wisdom and sanctity and all the qualities which beseem that calling; and I complained that he did not consistently act as such. I was quite wrong. Tiresias is not anything so insipid. He is a study of a real type, and a type which all the tragedians knew. The character of the professional seer or "man of God" has in the imagination of most ages fluctuated between two poles. At one extreme are sanctity and superhuman wisdom; at the other fraud and mental disease, self-worship aping humility and personal malignity in the guise of obedience to God. There is a touch of all these qualities, good and bad alike, in Tiresias. He seems to me a most life-like as well as a most dramatic figure.<br /> As to the Chorus, it generally plays a smaller part in Sophocles than in Euripides and Aeschylus, and the Oedipus forms no exception to that rule. It seems to me that Sophocles was feeling his way towards a technique which would have approached that of the New Comedy or even the Elizabethan stage, and would perhaps have done without a Chorus altogether. In Aeschylus Greek tragedy had been a thing of traditional forms and clear-cut divisions; the religious ritual showed through, and the visible gods and the disguised dancers were allowed their full value. And Euripides in the matter of outward formalism went back to the Aeschylean type and even beyond it: prologue, chorus, messenger, visible god, all the traditional forms were left clear-cut and undisguised and all developed to full effectiveness on separate and specific lines. But Sophocles worked by blurring his structural outlines just as he blurs the ends of his verses. In him the traditional divisions are all made less distinct, all worked over in the direction of greater naturalness, at any rate in externals. This was a very great gain, but of course some price had to be paid for it. Part of the price was that Sophocles could never attempt the tremendous choric effects which Euripides achieves in such plays as the Bacchae and the Trojan Women. His lyrics, great as they sometimes are, move their wings less boldly. They seem somehow tied to their particular place in the tragedy, and they have not quite the strength to lift the whole drama bodily aloft with them.... At least that is my feeling. But I realise that this may be only the complaint of an unskilful translator, blaming his material for his own defects of vision.<br /> In general, both in lyrics and in dialogue, I believe I have allowed myself rather less freedom than in translating Euripides. This is partly because the writing of Euripides, being less business-like and more penetrated by philosophic reflections and by subtleties of technique, actually needs more thoro画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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<p>In line with the messages in The Seven Secrets of Extremely Successful Mothers, A Flying Start reveals fundamental concepts in the areas of lifestyle, education, personal development, employee and entrepreneurship, financial education, relationships, and foresight that lead the reader to accept the lifestyle of a young leader.</p> <p>In chapter one, Cederick invites the young reader into the concepts shared in The Seven Secrets. He presents the case for correcting course and accepting The Dream Team Concept as an either or choice, with an emphasis on the benefits for acceptance. Cederick provides relevant examples of young men worked with their parents and achieved success. Chapter one offers the young reader a seven step process for creating an interdependent relationship with their mother.</p> <p>In chapter two, Cederick builds on the vision of chapter one by focusing on the lifestyle choices of young men who decide to live above average. Chapter two hypothesizes depression is a result of failing to live out one’s full potential. The reader is encouraged to look within himself to find his passion and purpose.</p> <p>Meant to be exaggeratedly controversial, chapter three opens by asking the question, “Why should you care for advance education if millionaires and billionaires did not?” The author walks a delicate tightrope here explaining that while school may be frustrating and outdated, the principle of education is far more encompassing than traditional school. After providing the reader several tips for excelling in both high school and college, Cederick opens the reader up to the world of self-education. The chapter concludes with dozens of online self-education resources in key areas such as finance, law, health, and computers.</p> <p>Chapter four provides value insight into the personal journey we all undertake as we mature into adulthood. The author breaks this journey down into nine checkpoints and provides the reader with a PDF flowchart to utilize as a daily reminder that frustration and anxiety are normal checkpoints in the journey towards manhood.</p> <p>Building on the advice of the late author Roger Caras, chapter five encourages the reader to look outside of the standard assembly line of high school, college, and career towards using his passion and purpose to generate income. Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. For this reason, Cederick provides readers with valuable career advice. Chapter five focuses on topics such as using modern career landing techniques to excelling in the work place, offering guidance for every personality.</p> <p>Money plays a dramatic role in the life of every person operating in this new economy. Chapter six I intended to reframe the concept of money so that the reader gains a new level of respect for its ability to influence their lifestyle. The author helps the reader understand how important the family’s financial IQ is to achieving their team’s goals.</p> <p>Women play an enormous role in men’s life. Chapter seven shines a light on that fact by explaining women’s rights issues, relationships, sex, and more. On top of this, the reader will gain an appreciation for the term “gentleman” and what it means in this generation.</p> <p>Chapter eight serves as the conclusion to A Flying Start. Wrapping up the entire journey, Cederick takes the reader by the hand and shows them a view of the world and the country from 30,000 feet. Intended to inspire the readers to develop a community consciousness, chapter eight reveals global and national issues such as human trafficking and slavery, education reform, and the infrastructure crises in America. This introduction to worldwide issues can cause dramatic life change in young people, and usually offers them some direction to travel.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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<p>Programmer Gina is sent to a ranch in the outback for work. The client is Parish, an unrefined man with a huge personality. Between the inconveniences of outback life and the self-centered things Parish says, Gina is almost driven crazy. But through all their disagreements, the two can’t take their...
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 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア KETO DI?T Der BLITZSTART in eine ketogene Ern?hrung. Mit 100 Rezepten und 7 Tage Plan f?r eine schnelle Umsetzung. In Rekordtempo Gewicht verlieren. Ketogene Di?t.【電子書籍】[ Mira Selfing ]
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 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Essays in Ornithology【電子書籍】[ Claire L Williams ]
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 税込 送料別 カードOK  Glomarket 洋書 Paperback, Say Uncle
<p><strong>An action-packed fantasy manga starring two boys whose contrasting fighting styles and personalities make them an unparalleled team!</strong></p> <p>The world is on the brink of extinction due to an ever-expanding disaster called the "Eternal Storm." However, humanity has a new source of hope i...
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<p><em>Savez-vous que les vertus adoucissantes de l’oignon calment la toux et que cet antibiotique naturel renforce vos d?fenses ? Qu’une portion de 200 g de haricots verts fournit pr?s de la moiti? de vos besoins journaliers en vitamine A ? Que la courgette, riche de 94 % d’eau, est tr?s digeste gr?c...
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<p>“I woke up to my wife Nicole screaming my name in anguish. As I opened my eyes, she rushed into the room. Our twenty-three-month-old daughter Vivien was limp in her arms, foaming at the mouth.”</p> <p>With these chilling words, Mike Knox begins Vivien’s Rain, the true story of his own harrowing journe...
 税込 送料込 カードOK  楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア Vivien's Rain: My Daughter's Battle with Epilepsy【電子書籍】[ Mike Knox ]
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